6th Summer School on Sustainable Chemistry for Sustainable Development

The 6th Summer School on Sustainable Chemistry for Sustainable Development will take place from September 21 to 25, 2020 at the Leuphana University of Lüneburg. There are no fees to particpate and there is a limited number of grants available for participants from developing countries. The deadline for applying for travel grants is on 22 March 2020.

The aim of our Summer School is to provide the participants with an understanding of the newest developments in concepts of sustainable chemistry and chemicals management and to take a closer look on water - as this year’s focus topic - and discuss the opportunities and benefits of sustainable chemistry in this field with regard to water resources, water pollution, wastewater treatment, benign by design to name but a few.

The exchange of knowledge and experiences between the participants within practical exercises including an excursion and workshops will complement lectures group discussions and an excursion to exemplify and deepen important aspects of sustainable chemistry and renewables. The trainers’ team consists of scientists and practitioners as well as of individuals who actively operate in different fields of sustainable chemistry and international co-operations. On top of that experts in the field of renewables will contribute.

More information at https://www.leuphana.de/en/institutes/isec/summer-school-sustainable-chemistry/summer-school-2020.html