Oral and Poster Awards to be granted during the 1st European Sample Preparation e-Conference

We want to thank again the sponsors of the 1st European Sample Preparation e-Conference. Our network is non-profilt and all sponsorships were deposited to EuChemS-DAC and will be used to support PhD students working in the area of Sample Preparation.

We are pleased to announce you that one Oral and three Poster Awards will be granted to the best contributions presented by young scientists at the 1st European Sample Preparation e-Conference as follows:


Best Oral Communication Award: 400 €. Sponsored by LECO.

Best Poster Award: Automation in sample preparation: 250 €. Sponsored by AXEL-SEMRAU.

Best Poster Award: 250 €. Sponsored by LECO.

Best Poster Award: 250 €. Sponsored by SHIMADZU.


The selection of winners will be carried out by our scientific committee based on excellence criteria.

The EuChemS-DAC Sample Preparation Study Group and Network gratefully acknowledge the support provided by the following sponsors: