Postdoctoral researcher in analytical and green chemistry
Green analytical chemistry group lead by Marek Tobiszewski is searching for postdoctoral…
During the 1st European Sample Preparatione Conference, a Satellite event will deal with the preparation of manuscripts.
Contributors: Prof.…
The dea
Dear colleagues,
The XXIII International Symposium on Advances in Extraction Technologies (ExTech 2021) will be held in Alicante, Spain, between the …
Dear Members,
Each year a theme will be chosen that will act as a guide for planning our activities throughout the year. The theme for 2021 is: Gree…
A new review article just appeared in Analytica Chimica Acta entitled:
"Analytical strategies for in-vivo evaluation of plant volatile emissions - A…
A new article was publihsed in Journal of Breath Research by our member Tommaso Lomonaco. The article is entitled:
"Determination of peppermint…
A new review article was just published in Analytica Chimica Acta entitled:
"Miniaturized analytical methods for determination of environmental…
A new article was published in Journal of Chromatography A entitled:
"Evolution and current advances in sorbent-based microextraction configurations"
A new artciel was published in Molecules entitled:
Evaluation of Structurally Different Ionic Liquid-Based Surfactants in a Green Microwave-Assisted…